Sharpshooters cost on average $2,000.00 per day.
Or, local Police, who should be policing the municipality, at either stright time if during their tour, or at overtime if off tour hours.
High fences at 9' and higher, because 8' doesn't cut it, the deer can and do jump over an 8' high fence.
Contraception has been scientifically proven to be INEFFECTIVE in stifling whitetail population growth. Also, it too is expensive, and it's a two person job, one to dart the doe and the other to hit her with a paintball to "mark" her as treated. Yeah right, that's a fiasco.
All of the above are options that have been utilized across the country. Unfortunately, all are at a significant cost to the you, the taxpayer. The is mismanagement at every level. State Bowhunting Organizations can and should set up an Urban Deer Managment Program for problem areas.
Bowhunters can do the job, not only safer (than high powered rifles), more ethically (bait and shoot culls), but also for free.
We have several Towns here in NYS, that have benefitted from NYB's Urban Deer Management Program. They've resulted in drastically lowering the number of deer/vehicle collisions in bith instances. The Towns are extremely happy with the Program.
The participating bowhunters must pass a proficiency test as well as possess a valid bowhunting license, and adhere to all of the rules, regulations, and guidelines.
Keep fighting the good fight. Hit the Legislators with facts and figures, not emotions.
All the best, Al.