I totally agree, Bill. Kinda funny...Robin Hood was outlawed for hunting the king's deer---with a longbow.
It does concern me deeply to see hunting becoming a rich man's game. Traditionally, here in this country, the working people have been the backbone of hunting. If we're priced out of it, what will happen? Teddy Roosevelt was from a rich family, but he learned hunting and cowboying from working people. I don't begudge a wealthy person hunting. What I don't like is them bringing the Rolls Royce Rules into it where they buy their way into a big buck instead of putting in the sweat equity the rest of us give. This puts the Cha-Ching sounds to tinkling in the heads of state game and fish authorities---and the manufacturers of gear and also the gun rag writers.
It kinds reminds me of what's happened to Christmas. Used to be Christmas was about family getting together, visiting, having a nice homecooked meal together, listening to Christmas songs and exchanging some simple but meaningful gifts. People forget why "White Christmas" and "I'll Be Home For Christmas" became so huge. They were recorded and released during World War Two, when just having dad-brother-son home safe from the war would have been THE best gift ever---and the men fighting overseas wanted to be home "in time for Christmas". Man, how we've forgotten all about that lesson. Used to be, the "big thing" was picking out the tree. If you were lucky, you got one thing you wanted if you were a kid. If your folks could afford it. Now, my gosh, it's like a piranha feeding frenzy the day after Thanksgiving! Some poor guy at a WalMart got trampled to death last year during a Christmas shopping frenzy. Everyone has to get all the latest, newest (and, of course, concommitantly more expensive)toys for the kids. It's all about the money. Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men...what's that? Gotta get out and spend, spend, spend or it won't be Christmas! Where is the joy of just being together as a family even if no one gets the shiny new electronic doodad that'll never tell you all the things your grandad knows and you'll wish you asked him years down the road? And hunting is going this direction, sadly. Gotta get the newest gear! Gotta hire the best (and, therefore, most expensive) guide. Gotta get the biggest rack. Gee, what happened to the traditions? Teaching your kids about Nature, and respect for the animals, and about how it ISN'T about "winning"----it's about HOW you played the game.
I don't know; maybe I'm a sentimentalist.