As we all know PETA has alot of followers and is the hunting worlds worst enemy. If PETA had their way there would be no hunting and no animal farming in the world.
In my mind we as hunters should never support PETA or any companies that work out treaties with PETA. If we support a company that supports PETA we are basically supporting PETA in a round about way. Most folks would agree.
I read an article from the AP. This article told a story about how Quiznos has signed some contracts with PETA.
I posted this information on here so the hunters would be informed and would not support Quiznos. Thus, not supporting PETA.
Anyway there was a few replies before the thread was DELETED ????
One trade ganger was talking how it was cruel how some animals was farmed(PETA supporter)and another tradganger wanted to know what it had to do with hunting politics. (Alot because PETA works with the goverment and tries to get hunting stopped)
This was a venting sesswion for me and I hope I get a point across to some folks and I expect this post top get pulled too.