Just joined and wanted to say I like this site a lot. I already know several folks on here and look forward to meeting more.
I started shooting a recurve when I was 7 (thanks GrandPa!). My Grandfather would take me out to play bow & arrow golf. He knew I was a lost cause when it came to the stick & ball game, but I had to follow the same rules and avoid the water & sand just like him. The management at the country club would have had a fit if they caught me. It taught me how to estimate distance and play the wind as well.
I bought a Bear Black Bear recurve when I was in High School and practiced with it off the deck of my parent's house. I got in big trouble for skewering my brother's basketball...but it was a 35 yard shot in the high grass (I appreciated it if no one else did). I used to work in a sports shop and would fletch arrows for anyone who brought 'em to me. I moved to the dark side and shot a Darton compound bow for a couple of decades, but decided to come back to the recurve last year.
This past spring I was hit by a drunk driver as I drove through a green light ( he ran the red light going 70 MPH). That messed up my left shoulder and I still have some nerve damage to where I might never be able to draw a bow again.
Not being able to participate does not dampen my love of archery.
I have been flintknapping for 20 years and enjoy trying make fine points of stone. Although points I made have taken deer, I have never shot one with a point I made...yet.