Instinctively, naturally, we are all hunters and gatherers. Even if some of us try to deny it.
For me, it puts my life on the natural cycle of
winter, spring, summer, and fall. I know who I am, and what I am because of it.
The farther we as humans get from our instincts, the less human we become. Acting on instinct, provides the greatest sense of tranquility, and peace that life has to offer. I believe this is why so many of us look to hunting as an escape, and rejuvination. We naturally NEED to act on instinct, to be truely happy. This is why so many people are so unhappy. They use none of their instinct.
Babies chase butterflies and grasshoppers, when they play in the yard. Take them to the beach, and they will chase minnows. Instinct.
To me, hunting is indeed, chasing butterflies and grasshoppers.