I will write more as I go on with this bow, but I wanted to let everyone know about the Quinn Comet 3DXL I got delivered this week.
I wanted to try one out, because I'm a sucker for deflexed risers. I thought I could pick one up for 3d shooting, and wanted about 46lbs at my 31.5" draw. I put an order in with Robert, and spoke to David and Peggy about a half a dozen times during the 4 week process.
I requested a black riser, with black glass limbs. But, to throw a curve into it, I wanted maple wedges instead of the purple heart. David let me know that the bow was 46 lbs at 32". Pretty darn close. But get this, ITS 41.4 LBS AT 28 INCHES!!!!!!
4.6 lbs in 4" of draw!!!! I got the bow and was surprised by the light mass weight of the bow. Lighter mass weight than I was use to. But, I strung it up and tried some arrows. Shoots extremely well!!!!
I shot some overspined arrows out of the bow. Although the arrows were impacting left, I was grouping them right off the bat. I am ordering some 460 spine Beman Energy's and hope to shoot the arrows in the high 190's fps. The way the bow currently shoots, it may have more gitty up than that.
I can't leave anything stock though. I already used some epoxy putty to build a shelf for it, and fill in the recess in the grip. I also filled in the sight window holes. I will dress it up tomorrow with the file and hit it with the bedliner spray. That stuff is wonderful!
Just a few words about the bow. I hope to do a draw force curve on it, but I am in the process of moving to another city. Maybe this spring.
The bow is a wolf in sheeps clothing for sure....