Well since I'm not much for leatherworking I wondered if there was anyone I could have make me a new sheath for my bowie. It's antler handled and I've used it for just about everything, my reason for this is that I'm left handed even though I shoot rt handed(ya I know Im screwed up) the current sheath is a rt hand one, stiff, squeeks on my belt and it's not in the mountainman style id like. I think I'd like to wear it on my rt side so I can draw it with my left hand across my body...get it? Not sure yet if I'd want it without a way to secure it to a belt, at first I thought I'd just slip into or between me and my belt but I'd lose it! If anyone would like to tackle this for a reasonable price please let me know,this knife has been on many adventures with me and deserves a proper sheath, it's hunting season already I know not a good time but I'm having to move soon and wont get to hunt much ...yet. Thanks .......Todd