OK, that worked! I had to wait a few days to string it up because my old stringer wouldn't work (too big). 3Rivers quickly sent me a new stringer a couple days later so, even though it was about dark, I had to give it a try... I set the brace at about 7.5", the nock point at about 1/4" high, scrounged up 6 arrows of absolutely various carbon, aluminum and ceder shafts of various spine/weight/length/point size and let them fly. If this pic works, this is my second set of six attempts with the 6 random arrows at 16 yards...after about 3 minutes practice:
I had one flier and the other five grouped well. All 6 arrows appeared to fly quite well. Amazing. Looks like this little 52" recurve is a keeper and no, Mike, you cannot have your Stalker back! Thank you - ronp