I've spent all day inna Workcave fettling these two blades.
Mr. Pennillion (
)asked me to have a bash at making him a couple of slim, flowy fulltang blades, for him to work his consummate magic on. We had a brief natter about the subject at the last EMCCU meetup & luckily a friend was on hand with his stunning Koji Hara knife. Inspiration struck (blindly, wildly swinging) & I set to designing something similar, yet a little different.
The two blades are both ground out of 3mm 01, mirror(ish) polished & hardened to 58rwc
The smaller of the two is just 6-5/8" OAL, with a 2-1/4" full height, flat ground blade with a micro secondary bevel
The larger is my first ever attempt at a dagger grind & I have to say, it were a bugger! :D OAL is 7-1/4" with 3-1/8" of that being blade. It is only sharp on the lower grind, although the blade is just 1mm along it's top grind/spine.
I wasn't going to post these, as they're Mik's blades, but he told me I had to post them & let everyone know that they're his & his alone! :D
Sorry for the shonky photos. I've only just got myself the right way up after grinding that bloody dagger!