Jim Reynolds, is planning on being there. There will be a couple of other Bowyers also. The Knocking Point,Black Widow Bows,with some other Vendors and Arrowsmith's scheduled to be there. We usually have a couple of guys who make custom knives there.
We will be selling Raffle Tickets for a Black Widow Bow which we will draw for Saturday night.
M.R. James will be there signing his new book.
There will be 3 seminars throughout the day Saturday.
Sunday morning a couple of UBM Members will be conducting a Church Service for those who wish to attend.
Saturday nights auction will include, Bows, Arrows, Quivers, a Doug Campbell Knife plus a couple of other Custom Knives, Prints and Art work, A Black Bear Hunt in Quebec, Bowfishing trip, Dutch Oven Cookware, etc.
Always a good time and a good place to stock up on supplies and goodies from some of the Vendors.
Hope to see you there,
Tom Dickerson