I got the big head or over confidence that is.
I built my first bow about one month ago that was a real success. A 67" red oak board bow in the pyramid pattern. I just followed a build along that i saw somewhere and it was an astounding success. It shot great and 5-600 shots later is still going strong.
So what do I do? Built another one to the same design but only 57" so it will be handy dandy up a tree. Both were 50# at 28". Just finished it today and it tillered pretty nice but it seamed to stack a lot near full draw. Anyway I shot the first five arrows right to center and I was feeling full of myself when on number six it broke about 10" down from the upper tip. Bap, right in the middle of my pretty bald head.
That will take the wind out of your sails in a hurry.
Someone told me once that when tillering to go slower than you feel the need to go. I think back on the process and suspect that I was rushed and overlooked some irregularity. I also should have been inspecting the bow after each shot for any clues which I failed to do.
Well the big head is not so big anymore, but I still have the first bow and it is a gem. Home Depot is open tomorrow and I bet I can find another red oak board with the right qualities and start over. Later, daddyhoney