It's fun to forge files and rasps...but the edge quality isn't always as good as using a known high carbon steel. BUT I love primative style Brute de Forge knives. So when I saw Burt Foster forge up a primative bowie, then take a hammer with all kinds of irregularities on the face and beat the tar out of it...I was pretty amazed
This is just a 5160 blade forged almost to completion in order to almost eliminate any grinding of the blade bevel. But while forging, I pounded it on a farrier's rasp/file to leave those impressions. Plus I dinged it up the spine with my hammer rather than adding any file work. Jason Knight had an interesting comment on my knives along these lines...he liked the the raw forging look but thought some of my file work was too fancy for that style knife. He said Dan Winker just does his filing free hand without laying anything out...very rough like.
Burt told me he got the idea from Don Fogg when he saw him pound forging scale into a finished blade for that look.
Just thought I'd share with ya'll...tippit