I hope I'm putting this in the right spot-if not, Mods please move me...
I've read several how to sharpen threads, including the one at the top of this forum. I must say, I'm "sharpening chellenged" and seem to have great difficulty keeping the angle of the knife consistent and proper throughout. So, I've ended up with a Lansky (sp?) sharpener. Was hoping that would cure all my issues, but one remains and is pretty annoying.
I run into a problem where the straight part of the blade begins the curve upward towards the point. I usually put a 25 degree angle on my knives and it seems no matter where I place the clamp, I can't get the angle remain through the curve. It's almost like it wants to create a tanto type or angular junction-it wants to continue the straight portion of the blade and anything curving up doesn't keep the nice curve anymore. It's driving me a little crazy and I don't want to change the profile like that on my "nice" knives.
I hope that description makes sense and that someone here can help me out... One would think I could manage just sharpening a knife
Thanks for the help