I'm going the cheapo route with te quiver making.
I picked up a full length womans skirt yesterday at a second hand store to make a quiver out of. The problem I have with it is that it is pretty thin, so I figured I could double the material by folding it in half, skirt's not small.
Once I did that it still seemed a bit thin to meso, I went back to the same store and picked up an old military green wool shirt that I was planning on lining the inside with.
That gave me the heft and thickness I was looking for but now I'm questioning if I'm going to have pblems with removing the arrows when I'm ready to shoot, i.e. catching on the wool liner.
I like a lot of the quivers that I see on here, really like yours Manny, I'm not looking for anything fancy or flashy, just functional, and longer than most of the 17-21" ones, and I want to do it on the cheap.