Guys, this is NO Way a build along, i did this in order to find out if i was doing thing right. i had posted a knife that had cracked on me and thought i would do this to let you see if I'm doing it right or need to adjust some things. this is a little long and alot of pictures.
I will be using old leafspring from the Doc. buggy.
I could not post all the pictures, but here are the main ones
this is the knife in the forge

After the knife is forged

ground and hand sanded to 600 grit

Here we are with clay on for a hamon

After tempering

Sanded again to 600 grit

ready to install the finger guard

The last one is of the finshed knife, the hamon is very light but it's there. hope you can see it.

I would like for everyone to speak up if you would, to let me know if its right.
I know that alot of guys grind to 80 to 220 grit before they heat treat, and i use to do that also, i thought it would be easier to sand to 400 - 600 grit before i heat treated, because it was softer. i know i have a long ways to go in the knife making world, but if you don't ask you don't know.
thanks for your input and time