You know it very likely is Bokote an I will take your word for it. It is just a piece I have had sitting around here for a long, long time and always thought it was Cocobolo? For more verification info it has darkened significantly over time on the outside and has a near white/cream sapwood? Before I cut into this piece it was a deep chocolate brown and not the yellow/tan it is on the knife.
The press is pretty small with 3x3 dies but it is 50 ton so we can fab larger dies for it rather easily. We fabbed it out of a tool called an "Iron worker" designed to punch holes and chop angle for steel fabrication.
I have been welding billets like crazy. I am going to have to find some more 15n20 soon. I also welded up a wrought over 1080 san mai and a cable over 1080 san mai. I have a lot of work to do.