Ok with money being tight I decided to try and finish the bow stave that I won from Chuck at Two Tracks.
I am at work and don't have pictures right now but I can provide them tonight. I have tired to read a lot of the post here and a lot of ends up being stuff that I don't understand because I have never do it.
I think that a lot of the basic shaping has been done and all that I really need to do is tiller the weight down to where I need it. How do I go about doing that and what tools do I need? Are there any good links or walkthroughs video's that you can point me to that have accurate not to technical info? I can't afford to buy any books or vidoe's right now and the local libraries are not any help.
I have a belt sander, files and rasps at home, and I have a few cabinet marker friends that I can borrow some tools from.
Thanks so much,