has anybody ever seen a SLOWMOTION of a bow being fired? The limbs aren't moving forward similtaniously, not at all!
yes, even on straight, symmetrical bows. But, imagine you'd be right, wouldn't a Yumi kick in the hand tremendously? well, it doesn't.
the big problem guys, is the wrong tiller/wrong frontprofile. If you want your outterlimbs to be wide, they should bend alot (or have alot of taper, 0.008 or even more in glass bows, wich will increase stacking, so you actually don't want this.
99.99% of all bows are designed for a normal tiller, and need narrow tips. This means 1/2" or even less. I like 3/8" on longer bows, some of my shorter ones have a tad under 1/2".
the latter is the solution I suggest. Narrow the outterlimbs/tips so they taper to 3/8" nocks and you lose most of your handshock.