Spectra Productions has regretfully had to cancel the Traditional Bowhunters Expo West that was scheduled to be held in conjunction with their long running Idaho Sportsman Show. According to spectra CEO David Beal, "there just wasn't enough vendor participation to warrant the expense of erecting a separate tent." David expressed sincere regret, when he said, "that the Traditional Expo could have grown into an integral part of the Sportsman's Show. With 31 years experience of running a show I cannot understand why we could not make this work."
We at Traditional Bowhunter Magazine are saddened and perplexed as well, not understanding how something that seemed as popular as the Western Expo could not attract enough bowyers and craftsman to keep it alive.
We'd like to invite those who have made plans on attending the Expo/Sportmans Show to a
Book Signing Open House
Sunday, March 2nd, 2008
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Traditional Bowhunter Magazine Office
1117 East Plaza Drive, Eagle, Idaho
In attendance will be authors David Petersen, E. D. Donnall Thomas, T.J. Conrads, and the rest of the Traditional Bowhunter Magazine's Staff. Come get a book signed, have a refreshment or two and shoot an arrow at the Dart machine.
See you here on the 2nd of March.