Looking for a little advise before I do something that's probably wrong. I've got a Roy Hall Navaho Chief (60"; #58@28") that has some scratches on the glass on the inside of both limbs (curly maple), perpindicular to the limbs, & about 7" down from the tip. It looks like the bow was stored upside down on metal studs, nails, whatever. The scratches look like etches in the glass, not too deep, & I'd like to see if I can "buff" them out. Any ideas on the right way to do it? I looked at my Dremel tool & various attachments but since I've acted without guidance before (to my wife's neverending delight) I thought I'd better check first. Don't really want to send it off & don't know any local folks. Seems like it ought to be something I can do.
Eddie Paulsgrove