Originally posted by John Scifres:
I broke 7 bows in a row over about a month's time. ....
It taught me to avoid getting too attached to a bow.
I think that statement has the most truth to it than i've read anywhere else on this site. My bad month isn't as bad as 7 bows.. yet, but I seem to be on that path.
After Purple Passion I started on black cherry. My first non red oak bow, which consisted of cherry for the bow, padauk and ebony for the riser and recurve tips. More exotic materials, simpler design, and it was coming out incredibly. But, there was always something. The riser wasn't shaped perfect for my liking, or the fact that one limb was tillering perfectly but the other wasn't even with the identically same thicknessed limbs. Then I couldn't get my flemish string to the correct length. Had to redo one end 4 times! Finally got her down to 52#s and while drawing her to 28" for some exercising I heard it. The knock that equalled a check on the lower limb. Ironically the limb that gave me no probs at that point. Glued that lil issue down and thought i'd be ok.
Finally, while trying to string her up with a method a friend taught me of trapping one tip in your shoe and bending the bow, I ripped a tip off the lower limb.
Now it's a 58" fire poker, and is set to take a position in the "Built & Broke 2010" thread.
At this point, i've decided i'm not building another bow until we move. Which could be hard cause we haven't heard anything about the 4th offer we've put in on a house, so who knows when that'll be.
Since visiting this site for the first time in January, there has been a bow on my bench everyday. But at this point, I'm not sure I can handle more heartache.