I wrote a couple of pages here and deleted them. It is not my place to be negative. I would only say: the use of saws, etc. is like the use of crossbows. Perhaps there is a place? If someday we find a petroclif drawing of an indian using a powersaw I may change my mind. I have built these for over 30 years using an axe, a wedge, and a drawknife. I have never backed one with anything but sinew from animals havested. They are clumsy, slow, but throw a massive arrow silently into the life of an otherwise unknowing creature, and silently ending it. I have seen animals fall never really knowing anything had happened. There are many fine bows out there, fast, beautiful, and deadly, and loud. If that is all we seek there are easier ways of satisfaction. You can buy one. I would look for osage quartered to dry and try the old fashioned way, or buy a black widow, a Morrison, any of many fine bows. No disrespect meant but a selfbow from a saw? Selfbow/saw ?Anyway **** has a dozen or so just like that for 65 bucks, but they are hickory, or chicory,or dock.
By the way you did ask for suggestions. I am sorry that my response may not be what was expected. However it takes all, to make a world.
Semper Fi