Hello all. I can't begin to tell you how great it is to have found this site. I've never before been so quick to join a forum as I have with this one, and it's all because of you, the members.
I'll try to introduce myself properly at a later date, but I've really been bitten by the building bug and have run into my first big "oops". I've started a red oak board bow and despite reminding myself to measure umpteen times and cut once, I had a serious brain lapse and cut my wood at 62" instead of my intended 72". My question is: Though I will absolutely complete the new compact version, what can I legitimately expect in the way of poundage? My initial intent was to get between 40 and 45lbs to try using this bow next turkey season.
Oh well, it just gives me an excuse to go find another piece of wood. Any and all help/advice/criticism is welcome. Thanks, Brad