Hello Andrew,
I would not cut the boo in half, and glue each piece seperately, due to the strain on the boo once you pull the bow!
The chances that the bow will blow apart at that precise point are very high. (I had a bow, that blev apart in the handle section, because I had made a too steep area from the normal boo width, and down to the handle. The pressure on the boo once the bow is drawn is very high, and I would not think, that the glued together areas on the back will withstand the pressure).
If you are gluing with Smooth on (or another glue that needs heat to work), then Berts ideá sound like a good way to go.
If you are using TBII / III, then do not wrap it in Saran *LOL* ... (I did that the first time I build a bow, and could not understand why it did not dry! *LOL* ...) Lesson learned - a glue that needs air to dry should NOT be wrapped in Saran ;-) ...
If you are using TBII / III, then you can also buy an innertube, and make short pieces, that you can tie around the boo/hickory. It should work the same way as the spring clamps, and still allow the glue to dry (allow the air access).
Good luck with your project! :-) ...