I agree with you Pete. A reverse taper only cancels out some of the forward taper no matter how you slide it around. The thickness profile will be no different than if you build the limb with the lesser forward taper rate using all forward tapers. The tip will be the same in relation to the mid limb too. The only difference is where the glue lines shake out. Like jess said, tip wedges offer the performance options.
A couples rules of thumb I have learned about tip wedges: One is that you may need a longer tip wedge the higher the forward taper rate and shorter tip wedges for mild forward taper rates. Mild forward taper rate limbs realize less benefit from tip wedges. And two, you only need enough wedge thickness that will allow enough wedge taper to cancel out the forward taper and maybe a smidgen more, any thicker is just added tip weight.
As for power lams, the higher the forward taper rate the less need for them. The lower forward taper rate limbs benefit more from them.