Thank you all for your responses. Art B, I think you had the right thought, it really depends on the spring strength of your dial indicator, if it does not take much wt, then the difference will be small, But if like my cheapie $15 Turlen dial indicator it requires 4 ounces to depress, that might a difference in certain applications. Like trying to match an arrow you like but don't know the spine and you're trying to decide what spine to buy to closely match it. I determined that it takes 4 ounces to depress the dial to .500 without any arrow, and then measured a carbon arrow with a known .500 spine. it read .440 with the 2 pound wt and .500 with the added 4 ounces. A spine difference of 8 pounds.
For most of my ( and I suspect your purposes) the thing that matters most is closely matching spines within a group for consistent shooting. So the precision of this type of spine tester does more that you need.
just my two cents worth