One of the local big box stores carries Martin bows in the sporting good dept. They have a Martin Stick there. It was 45lb and 62" long. Just for fun, I shot it yesterday. I have to admit, the little thing put arrows right where I was looking. I was very impressed with how it shot!
My complaints are that it was a little shocky, (not bad enough to give it a thumbs down) and the wood is obviously nothing great for a new bow under $300. The shelf is small. I did hit my left arm, up by the wrist, on every shot. But that may be due to the big box store guys couldn't find the factory string and we put a cheap 63" string on it from the shelf.
My question is, is there any custom bowyers anyone would recommend that could pretty much duplicate that bow, but maybe make it 58-60", with a little nicer wood and a little nicer handle/shelf for a decent price?
All my longbows are refex/deflex and I'd like to get one that's more of a "stick" type, but yet I still like shorter bows for treestand hunting.
Maybe sticks are easier to shoot? Not sure, but I do know the Martin Stick shoots where you look.
As I mentioned, despite my list of complaints, the bow put arrows exactly where I was looking. To the point that, for $270 new, I'll still buy it if I can't find some type of custom that's nicer at a good price.
Thanks for any input.