with no bow making experiance it took me at least 40 hours of labor for my first one..I never get in a hurry and it still takes me arround 40 shop hours..I dont have a radio or clock in the shop, I just work till I am tired or fustrated, sometimes its less than an hour sometimes 5 or 6 hours..I spent at least 100 hours reading old threads on this site about bow building before I got started..I still find myself reading and rereading old threads. Lots of good info here, you just have to search for it. good luck with your build,take some pics as you go and post them here. Binghams is where I got started too, they are a great company. I would like to see them update their videos to include things like using a router and template to cut out forms,I never could get my form perfect using a sanding drum like their video shows..I found the KennyM method and that was how I got my form absolutly perfect.