I had hoped to post some photos of a glued-up bow, but life being what it is we ran short on time. Lisa and I didn't want to rush things so we decided to hold off for now. We will get back on the build in two weeks after OJAM next weekend.
We did manage to get all the glass and such cut to length, did some other small details, worked on the riser some more and tricked-out the form. Here are a few photos:
I was able to fine tune the riser a little more to ensure a perfect fit with the form.
We added some "cleats" to the form so we wouldn't have all the parts slide side-to-side on us during the glue-up.
We also added a formica strip to really smooth out the curves on the form and ensure a solid base. Looks pretty slick now (pun intended).

Since this is my first fiberglass bow build, I have a few questions for you seasoned hands. Is it OK to wrap everything in plastic to keep the epoxy off the form and keep the bow from being glued to it? Any other pointers so that the glass, lams and riser don't become a permanent part of the form?