Author Topic: Areomarine 300/11 ?  (Read 714 times)

Offline Living_waters

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Areomarine 300/11 ?
« on: March 11, 2011, 08:38:00 PM »
Has anyone used either aeromarine 300 or 400 epoxy?
I have heard of some using it because of its bargain price. I was thinking of trying some on an all wood laminate bow build. I would use titebond but I am going to run my belly lam up the riser and just in case my sander of bandsaw skills lack a little i wanted something with some gap filling ability.   :)  

I was just wandering if it was as good as smooth on since it is half the price.
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Offline evildocrsx

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Re: Areomarine 300/11 ?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2011, 11:38:00 PM »
If you're worried about price, why not just use Urac 185?  It will also fill the gap pretty good.

Offline Living_waters

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Re: Areomarine 300/11 ?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2011, 07:51:00 AM »
Price is an option but not the factor. Urac wont do glass, phenolic or bone. I was trying to find 1 glue that would be a do all. My chemical shelves are getting quite full now and alot of it is going to waste because I don't use it that much, that is what hurts on the price. If I can eliminate some of the barely used stuff and replace it with something that I get a good rotation with then that only makes sense.
But it has to work.
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Re: Areomarine 300/11 ?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2011, 12:02:00 PM »
I hear ya Jeff! I'm all about finding products that will serve more than one purpose on more than just one material.

I don't know anything about the product you mentioned, but if you try it and it works....Please let me know. Also where you found it and how much.

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Offline Knawbone

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Re: Areomarine 300/11 ?
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2011, 12:12:00 PM »
I'v been thinking of doing a test run using PL heavy duty construction adhesive for composite bows. In fact I think I'll ask if anyone has ever tried it.I'm not familar with the product you asked about.
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Offline Living_waters

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Re: Areomarine 300/11 ?
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2011, 03:13:00 PM »
Think I will try it the numbers are really close to smooth on and 35 buck for a half gallon it is pretty cheap. My build a couple quick bilams to see how it holds up.
Here is the link
"Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'” Jesus

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