To make a long story short...during the tillering process, my brother drew his new (and first) bow (black cherry) a little too far on the tillering tree and the bow back, where it bends most, cracked (sorry no pictures). Needless to say, he was devastated after all the work he put into the bow. In attempt to keep his spirits up, and with nothing to lose, I opened the crack (~3/4" wide by 2" long) and glued it with thin crazy glue. After the glue dried, we unclamped it and backed it with linen (using TBII). The bow was 90% tillered. If it was completely tillered, I would have tried wrapping the damaged area with sinew.
Before we put the bow back up on the tillering tree, what are the chances that the linen will work by keeping the crack from re-opening?
Thanks for any input!