I found a very straight, ~8-10-inch diameter hophornbean (HHB) tree with about 14 feet of branch-free trunk with no twist on my property that I would like to harvest in an attempt to make a bow(s). I’m having a hard time finding specific information on making a bow with HHB. What I have found is that HHB can be a very good bow wood. If possible, can someone help me with some basic questions?
1. Should I wait until the buds start to swell/leaf before I chop it down (i.e., making it easier to remove the bark)?
2. Do I use the sapwood or heartwood (i.e., follow a growth ring) for the back? This is a Western New York tree with, I suspect, very thin growth rings.
3. Are HHB bows typically backed (I’m looking for a 50-45 pound bow at 26 inches)? If so, linen, rawhide, sinew…
4. Regarding bow dimensions, any suggestions…I prefer a longer bow (~68 inches)? Not sure if I should plan for a wide-thin or a narrow-thick style bow. It would be really helpful if you could suggest fade and tip width, and distance from center that the limb starts to taper.
5. I would like to put a little “recurve bend” at the end of the limbs…I have never tried putting a significant bend in a bow other than using a heat gun to remove twists and/or adding a little back-set. Is HHB amenable for bending?
5A. If so, can this be done with a heat gun or should it be steamed (I’m looking for an excuse to try the steam method for my first time but don’t want to make a make-work project if a heat gun will do the job).
5B. Not sure how you might be able to describe the form profile for a bend toward the tip end…how far from the tip should the bend start?
Thanks in advance for your time providing insight on the questions above. I’m really chopping at the bit to get started!!!