I completed Rick's 2-day school about this same time last year. Without any reservation at all, I would recommend this program to anyone who was looking to improve their confidence & shooting abilities. Further, he does really well at giving you a "keep it simple" foundation.
The first thing that we did was to film my shooting and critique my form (or lack thereof). Then Rick gave me specific steps towards shoring up my shooting.
Some of the things that I learned were to be CONSISTENT in sqaring both my feet and shoulders towards my aiming point. SLOWING down, solid DOUBLE-ANCHOR, HOLD, HOLD, RELEASE. The end results were quit astounding as I watched the films, after incorporating the recommendations. I shot a 246 and 226 (2nd round and a bit tired) on the target course. Before this, I was averaging about 190.
I also learned that my 55 lbs DAS Recurve was too heavy. Yes I could shoot it o.k. at short range, but holding it 2-3 seconds and obtaining the proper sight picture resulted in the need for a lighter bow, which luckily for me, Rick was able to provide for the sessions. Rick commented that 95% of the guys that come to his school are over-bowed, so if you go you'll want to take your lightest bow!
I will try to cross-pollinate Rick's style of instinctive shooting. The "double anchor" point maximizes your consistency shot after shot. We had to re-fletch me a couple of arrows with the back of the fletching just coming to the the tip of my nose. Then my split finger, middle finger to corner of mouth was completely changed to the front of the bent thumb, to the back lower part of my jaw bone. Also changed my set arm to swing arm shooting.
Rick's process is all about repetition, with no reference to the tip of the arrow, or Gap shooting. It's about achieving the proper sight picture by focusing on your target and adjusting the bow arm for longer shots. If your form is right, it just becomes an elevation issue with the shot. Watching the tapes is NO SUBSTITUTION for the real thing... kinda like watching Tiger Woods on the PGA tour.
Repetition produces the proper data to your subconscious and you achieve the desired results. As I watched my second day of shooting, I was truly amazed at how far I'd come. I had significantly reduced a lot of bad habits like plucking the arrow, rushing the shot, peeking, etc.
If you are like me, I don't like to think that I am "not in control". But just a couple of hours Rick's insight gave me a totally new perspective. The school was da bomb!
And after the school, I ordered one of his recurves. To say that they are FAST, BEAUTIFUL & SMOOTH would be an understatement! An excellent bow value and probably my favorite out of about 10 recurves I currently own!