I think the whole discussion has just gotten to the point of being ridiculous. If a guy doesn't want anybody to put his handle wrap on their bow then he should have locked up all his bows with this style wrap on them and never let them see the light of day.
I'm not taking anything away from the man because I don't even know him. I'm sure he must be one hell of a bowyer with the way everybody keeps carrying on about him.
Regardless, it's just a different way to wrap leather around the handle of a bow and that's it, nothing more.....nothing less.
It's not any different than somebody really liking the way another guy stains his bamboo backing and decides to do that on his next BBO.
I have no desire to wrap my bow handles that way, but treating it like it's the lost arc or the holy grail is just a bit much.......don't ya think?
I saw this same discussion over on PA and it got extremely heated and I think the mods ended up shutting it down, so I'll move away from this one before it gets to that point.
It doesn't really matter how many ways I try to explain my position on it anyway because somebody is just going to keep punching holes in it. So you all can keep debating it until your blue in the face.
I'm also a turnip by the way Jason.