If you have only ever hunted whitetail deer, you need to read and talk. Elk are different. Elk are big and a herd makes a lot of noise (at times) while just feeding along. A snapped twig is no big deal (usually...of course). Heck, a snapped 3" thick branch is often no big deal if there is a herd there. You can.. and should ... get away with a lot more than you can with a whitetail, but you cannot just walk around (they are not blind), you cannot let them get your scent (they have great noses. You can often move to draw, aim and shoot while the thing is right there, very unlike a deer.
Use your binoculars a bunch, go after em a bunch, try trail sitting, try wallow sitting, but the most fun of all is when they are vocal. That is what elk huntin is all about. If you get lucky enough to get close to a bull who is worked up and vocal you will NEVER ever forget that. More than one person I know has just... lost it... with a bull 20 yards away. They are impressive.
Last...my point of view.... try not to go out there with a "gotta get an elk at all costs" attitude or you will lose out on the journey. If that is your desire...get a guide.
Good luck