Got back to work on some of the Cherry staves I cut in September. Want to reduce them down some so I can get a bow out of one in the winter and send a couple off to some deserving folks.
1. Anyone got a good design for a cherry bow. I have seen pyramid style suggested, but was wondering if other designs had proven to be successful.
2. Suggested backing for Cherry. I was thinking hickory would over power it, so thought Maple might work. Some of the staves have worm holes through the sap wood, thus I am cutting them down to clean wood and backing.
3 What size and shape would you shape them down to for shipping, in order to remove as much weight as possible but still leave final design up to the recipient.
The staves are straight with very slight twist, if any, and only a few knots. Some which can be cut out and others are in the middle of the limb and can go in the handles.