has inspired me to try and kill a couple with the longbow. The Michigan boys and the JLMBH guys and gals had me wanting to find a few bunnies to shoot- or atleast shoot at.
We had a snow and ice storm move through Friday and I hoped that the fresh snow would make it easy to track a rabbit or two.
I took off down my favorite fence row and found some tracks from the night before. I hadnt even nocked an arrow when I jumped the first rabbit.
I waited a few mintues before taking up the trail. the tracks went into a brush pile about 75 yards from where I first jumped him and no tracks came out. I eased around and caught him sneaking out the back side. He stopped and I shot through the brush and put an end to the first rabbit of year.
I jumped only one more, but the freezing rain had made it nearly impossible to sneak up on anything. The thick crust on the snow was way too noisy.
It was a good way to spend a wintry afternoon.