I have seen a 48" rigid-handled bow made by Mickey Lotz' brother Randy. If I remember right (this was like 13 years ago) it was 45# at 27". It was painful to watch it bend and he said it was pretty uncomfortable to shoot. It got way past 90 degrees in string angle so it was inefficient. But it worked and was pretty fast with a light arrow. He flipped the tips and added overlays to keep the string on.
The shortest 27" draw, rigid handled, bow I have made was a 56" sinew backed osage. 1.5" wide pyramid. It still survives after thousands of shots but I can't stand to shoot it anymore.
If I were you, I'd go for a shorter draw, plains style bow and draw to your chest. My buddy, "Burnt" here on tradgang, just made a paddle bow like that and it is a blast to shoot.