Well, I'm finally caught up on things I had to do in the shop. Ok, not really, but I've had enough and I want to build a bow. I need a bit of advice before I get too far though.
I'm building a bamboo backed hickory tri-lam with scorched natural bamboo belly lams. Right now it's 68" long and 1 1/2" wide. The bamboo back is 1/4" thick in the center tapering to 1/8" at the tips. The hickory core is 5/16" at the center and 3/32" at the tips and the bamboo belly lams are 3/16" thick. The riser is built up using cherry and white oak laminated vertically and I might add some thin lams for contrast. It's still 18 1/2" long, but I haven't cut it out yet, so that can still change.
I'm thinking of giving it some reflex and deflex, but I can also leave it straight and maybe reflex the tips only and I'm looking to get 50# to 55# at 28".
What do you all think? Are the lams too thick for the weight I want? Nothing is glued up, so I can still make changes. I'm still learning so any advice will be appreciated.