I have 2 questions on figuring out which is the strong vs weak side of a limb? I think(thought) I had this figured out but now am questioning that. These are glass bows I am asking about .
First question? With the bow strung and looking at it from the belly side. Obviously you want the string running down the center of the limbs. If the string is pulling off to one side or the other, does it pull to the strong side or weak side?
For instance, looking at the top limb and the string is way off to the left of center. Do I sand the side it is pulling towards to bring it back to center?
Second question. Bow is strung and I sight down the back of the bow like a rifle. In this scenario the limb has a bend or crook in it bending left. Is it bending left because that is the stronger (wider) side? An material needs to be removed from that left side to make it weaker an allow it to come back straight?
Is it bending left and actually collapsing because it is the weak side? Therefore requiring sanding on the right side to weaken the right side and allowing the limb to come back straight?
I hope what I am asking makes sense?
I appreciate any help as I have gone back and forth in my mind on this! Steve