Now, if you don't get carried away, you can generally add some weight in the form of a weight tube and be OK. You can never escape physics, though.
Here's what happens. We know that all objects have intertia. An object at rest tends to stay at rest, one in motion tends to stay in motion. This is a function of mass.
More weight = more mass. More mass means it takes more energy to overcome inertia and start the arrow moving. Here's where it starts to matter where the weight is added.
If you front load the arrow, the tip now weighs considerably more than the tail. When you drop the string, the tail of the arrow is ready to move sooner than the tip. The only way this can happen is if the shaft between the two flexes. More flex is the same thing as saying less spine.
If the weight is evenly distributed up and down the shaft, the arrow moves more as a whole and less flexing occurs. Still, we have to deal with the increased inertia. The only way we can apply more energy to the arrow from a closed system like a bow is by applying the same amount of enery over a longer time. Simply put, the bow string must move farther before the arrow starts to move. Again, the arrow has to flex. Not as much as in a front loaded arrow, but more than with a lighter shaft.
The cliff notes version is that heavier shafts, however they are acheived, require more spine to remain relatively straight through the longer push required to get them moving. Front loading exaggerates the problem because the tail of the arrow is ready to move before the tip is.
There you go. A really lousy explanation of why more weight requires more spine.