I'm in the process of making a lot of archery changes. One involves trying out vanes. So far, vanes seem to fly faster than feathers, which makes sense. Having had to drop 20# in bow weight, I need all the speed I can get.
Obviously, vanes don't like being shot off of a shelf, though I have a Pronghorn that somehow doesn't seem to mind too much. My questions ares for those who shoot vanes off of a raised rest on recurves or longbows... not on the fancy metal frame bows. What kind of rest is necessary for vanes to work? On a wood risered bow, my inclination is to use the least obtrusive style of rest I can... probably a brush rest, but I'm not sure if that will work OK. Do vanes require, or at least perform substantiall better with the flipper finger magnetic style rests?
Next, I see lots of talk about special tillering for split and three under. Obviously, installing a raised rest requires raising the nock point. Is this a problem re changing the tiller of the bow, or is it really unnoticeable and you just merrily shoot on?
You can see I'm green as grass here... moving into a whole new area, but trying to learn... and, as a monk I used to know once said, "All knowledge is good, Grasshopper."
Dick in Seattle