Originally posted by Gunney: Tim, That is what is so great about Dean. He will lead you down the right path, but will never hold your hand the whole way. I always said he gives you enough information to allow you to make those life changing mistakes and teach yourself on a piece of wood.I conisider Dean a life long friend and one of the greatest teachers out there.Even thou I have never Met Dean in person, He has helped Me more than I will ever be able to repay Him, I too consider Dean a True Friend in every aspect, I will always be Gratefull to Him....ONE SHOT... :D :D I remember after watching his video (100's of times), I always thought, why didn't he show me more. Simply put, the journey is often times more important that the destination.I know that is probably not what you wanted to hear since you just want one of his bows.......I know what you mean. I was just feeling windy!!!!! Dean does that to me:-) BTW, if you ever find one, make sure you find an extra one for me too.God BlessBilly