new poster, I have been playing around with this stuff for a long time...Samick limbs for 70 bucks plus shipping seem like a super good deal to me...I bought two pairs and am very happy with them.
...1/2" sheet of D Fir plywood to build a form...40 bucks
...various clamps, pins and metal and rubber strips...maybe 100 bucks
...epon or smooth on epoxy kit...40 bucks
lets just say you already have a bench sander and all the other tools needed to do all the work...and labor is free...
that can of Krylon looks a pretty good deal to me!LOL...
they seem like a God send for the DIY guy least a good place to start at...they make some fancier limbs too...but are more $$. but for someone on a budget who wants to kill a deer or Elk with a bow they made themself...they are pretty hard to beat...
after a few thousand shots with me they are fine...the design actually reminds me of the old school Border bows from a long time ago??
I also thought a pair of 70 dollar skins was sort of nutty until I read the post about doubling the value...I like the way you think!
great forum here...I have enjoyed it for a while and finally broke the ice and joined up.
here is a bow I made up using them myself...and my rig...