A while ago, we had a brief thread going about getting a group of Tradgangers together for a backpack hunt for mule deer this season in norcal. I've given it a lot more thought, and know of another location more in central CA, the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness. In the Silver King Creek drainage within Carson-Iceberg Wilderness, precisely. I used to guide trout parties into this area, and know it pretty well. There was a pack station, known as Little Antelope Valley Pack Station, on location there, but they folded some time ago. Where, exactly, I'm thinking about scouting, are five box canyons to the west of Silver king Creek in Upper Fish Valley. You can't fish there because the trout, the Paiute, are protected. The canyons are really rugged, steep, and not at all enticing for the casual backpacker. There are two ways to get into the area, but both will involve hoofing it over tall, 8-10,000 foot saddles. To the south, on highway 108, is the mountain warfare training facility for the Marines, and to the north, is the defunct remains of the pack station. Unless they have started operations again, which I doubt, very few people go into the upper valley for any reason. years ago, used to be range cattle in the area, but that was discontinued some time ago as well. Even the Marines don't use the area! In addition to deer, this place has a decent population of bruins, marmots, yotes, and I could guarantee my clients would catch fish! I'm going to give it a scout over the Memorial Day weekend, snowload considering, and am wondering if any one wants to go along?