I'm getting back into making bows and in the past I used Titebond II for making linen backed bows and anything else I did that involved wood backings or bamboo, I used Smooth-On EA-40 epoxy. I like the strength of the epoxy, but the hotbox curing was always a pain in the rear. I'm going to be making some new bows with both hickory and bamboo backings and I'd kinda prefer using a glue that didn't require the hotbox cure. I see that the Urac glue is no longer sold and the replacement Unibond gets pretty mixed reviews. Any thoughts on just using Titebond III to glue bamboo and hickory backings onto non-oily, non-tropical bow woods? How about the Titebond hide glue? I know the hide glue is water soluble, but I always finish my bows with some type of oil hard oil finish often with a wax over that. I remember reading in one of the TBB books about the various glues and that the hide glues were pretty impressive in terms of holding power. Ideally I'd be able to use the same glue for the backings as well as for the tip overlays and gluing on a riser. Thoughts or suggestions?