Jawge, he can't just go out and shoot. The bow's not done yet
Eric, whether the string is level is irrelevent. Let me ask you this... Is the string level in the tree if a bow ends up with 1/4" positive tiller? No, it isn't, and that's fine.
The handle should be level in the tree, and then we use the same gauge to judge limb timing as any other bow. i.e. how the hook tracks the line... or whether the bow tips if we're using a cradle that allows it.
You asked, "if when you place your straight handle on a level cradle, the string is not horizontal, its gonna throw you off and you gotta compensate for it right?"
No, I don't care if the string starts off being level. In a bow with one limb deflexed and the other reflexed, I expect the string to NOT be level... just as I would expect the resulting tiller profile to NOT be equal.
I want the handle setting in the tree how I'll hold it, and then the limbs timed so the hook follows the line that was drawn perpendicular to the cradle/handle.
If I lift one side of the handle with a wedge, tiller/time the bow on the tree, then when it's all done, draw it by hand withOUT the wedge... will the limbs still be syncronized?