Fallow deer,Red deer,Sambar deer,feral cattle,feral goats,the "best" pig hunting in the north island,Rabbits,Australian possums,Pheasants,quail,ducks,swan,geese,turkeys an probably a few things I've fogotten.
Like much of the rest of the country really.
Oh yeah,,,ya'not into fishing are ya'
Huge brown trout,huge rainbow trout,lakes, streams,rivers,,,,,and the Tasman sea on your door step,,,,,caught any 20-30lb snapper lately?
Or how about yellow tail king fish,,,50-70lb,,Trevaly,10lb,,bass,,,,,an we're talking about the real ones here,200-300lb.
And a heap of others as well,,,LOL.
If the hunting an fishing wasn't just as good where I already live,I might be tempted to move there.
But the local rugby club is crap,,,,so maybe not huh.LOL!!
Look me up if you do move down,I,ll take you for a walk.