This is my first bow build.
It is an attempt at a longbow/flatbow. The first one failed during tillering. I pushed to far too fast.
I am using red oak with straight grain and have backed the bow with 10 oz canvas and Titebond III. The bow handle is quilted maple and glued to the bow with Titebond. The handle is not shaped yet. I have nearly completed the tiller. So if one of you that have done this before could look below and let me know if you see any glaring problems I would be appreciative.
I cut the profile out with a band saw about 1/8 from the intended lines and took it to the lines with a block plane and card scrapers. I put some scrap Ipe on the tips as overlays.
I then used a pencil poking about 1/16th" through a 1x3 block to mark the flat areas. I used a combination of files and card scrapers to take out the flat areas. I exercised the bow about 40 times between scrapings. The tiller is less than 1/8" difference at 12" and 17" from the nocks.
I haven't fully braced it yet, as I am waiting for some B-50 to arrive to make a bow string. The string in the pictures is a nylon one that I made Flemish twist from 50 lb surveyor's line. It has an awful amount of stretch. I estimate that the weight will be about 45lbs at 28". It is 38 lbs now and the brace height is about 3".