So progress has been slow, but steady enough.
I have started working on my arrows too, that has been one thing that has been slowing me up. I'm a little reluctant to completely finish the bow without some arrows to take out and shoot once it is. I post some pictures of those when I get them done.
I had finished the nocks some time back, but over the course of the last two days I put four heavy coats of Super glue on them to finish them up. The way I figure it, the super glue should provide a lot of protection to the tips, so if they get dragged through the dirt or if I just rest the bow on the nocks sometimes, they should hold up. We'll see I guess, what have any of you done to protect the tips if anything?
The secondary nock is for a stringer. The superglue is still shiny, I'll dull it down to a nice satin to match the rest of the finish when I do the bow.
I have the handle and rest all roughed out, once I finish the nocks I'll start sanding on the handle area, round off any loose corners on the rest of the bow, and get some finish on it.
pics to follow